International Day 4.14.22

Volunteer Presenter Form:
Volunteer in general:
International Day is returning to Elm Lawn
on April 14, 2022!
International Day is back! Help us celebrate our Elm Lawn community’s diverse cultures and nationalities. Students will have the opportunity during their school day to fill up their “passports” by touring and visiting table exhibits that will be put together by YOU--Elm Lawn families, friends, and members of the larger community. In the past, more than 30 countries and cultures have been represented. We are excited to celebrate our community after all we have been through together!
A great number of volunteers are needed to make this event a rich and meaningful experience for our students. We have two major needs:
International Day Presenters: We are recruiting people interested in sharing and presenting information on a country that they are familiar with. Presenters can be any member of the Elm Lawn Community or anyone that they know that would be interested. Presenters can set up booths that demonstrate their country or culture in any way they would like. They could display clothing, art, crafts, photographs, play music, demonstrate activities or anything else that they wish. Please consider presenting or asking someone you know to present. We hope to finalize our list of presenters by March 25, 2022.
Volunteers: We are actively recruiting volunteers for planning and running International Day. The last event required nearly thirty people on actual International Day to run the day’s tours, plus another dozen people working behind the scenes to plan the day. You can volunteer to work for even just an hour during the school day for your kids’ grade, or to help pick up supplies the day before, or do some behind the scenes work from home. Lots of chances to get involved and we’d love lots of help from parents and caregivers.
If you would like to present a country or culture or know of someone who may want to present, please fill out this form and we will contact you very soon.
International Day Presenter Form:
If you can help with planning or volunteering during the event, please send an email to Kendra Wochos and Maureen Mauk at or text 608-287-6725.
Thank you in advance for making this exciting event a great success!