Thank you's!
A huge thank you to all families/businesses for their support!
Staff lounge updates: Thank you to Claire Hotz for redecorating the staff lounge and The Bitner's for their coffee donations!
Teacher Conference Goodie Bags: Thank you to Ashli Ballweg and Claire Hotz for making and delivering the bags that were distributed to staff during conferences yesterday.
Staff Stop and Snack Drop-offs: Thank you to Amy Reed and other parents for coordinating/organizing charcuterie drop offs on March 8 from Tricky Foods. Please donate here to support these events or volunteer to coordinate them by emailing! The next one will be end of April.
Save the Date
Last Restaurant Night Fundraiser for 20-21 school year!
Cafe Zupas on Tues, Mar 15, 4-9pm
8310 Greenway Blvd Middleton
Mention Elm Lawn for in person orders or enter FUNDRAISER25 for online/pickup.
Click here or on the volunteer tab on the Elm Lawn PTO homepage and let us know of your interest. Email with any questions or suggestions!
Upcoming one-time volunteer events in April/May
International Day- April 14
Staff Appreciation goody coordination/drop off- late April
Staff Appreciation Week- early May
Book Fair- May 18 & 19
Talent Show- May 6
Hot Dog Hustle- May 18
PTO funds support student events, classroom enrichment, field trips, staff appreciation and many more activities. Click here or click on the donate tab on the Elm Lawn PTO website.
Amazon Smiles
Consider this while shopping!
1) Visit
2) Sign in with the same account you use for
3) Select your Charity as “Elm Lawn Parent Teacher Organization Inc” and donate while you shop!
Hot Dog Hustle
May 18 during school hours
The hot dog hustle is back so get excited and stay tuned for lots more info! You should have received a welcome packet in your child's take home folder this week. Please consider sponsorship or personal donations. We have a big goal to reach this year since we've missed the last 2 years of hot dog hustle fun! Reach out with any questions to
Stay well and happy early Spring!