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October PTO Newsletter
The crisp fall weather has finally arrived as we enter into our second month of school at The Lawn . The PTO hosted a very successful...

September PTO Newsletter
Happy Fall Elm Lawn Eagles We want to warmly welcome all of our new and returning Elm Lawn Eagles this year. It has been a smooth...

April PTO Newsletter
Spring has finally arrived to Middleton and we have just 5 weeks left of school for our Elm Lawn Eagles! The PTO hosted the meeting this...

International Day Country Ambassadors Needed!
We need parent volunteers to present about a country/culture as an “Ambassador” and to come as a “Tour Guide” to take small groups of...

December PTO Newsletter
It's hard to believe winter break has already arrived for our Elm Lawn Eagles! The PTO hosted the meeting this month on Thursday,...

October PTO Newsletter
Our Elm Lawn eagles have been busy this fall with many exciting events. Fall Fest was a great success on October 4th, as many families...

September News
Our Elm Lawn eagles have had a wonderful start to the school year this fall. The PTO hosted the first meeting of the year on Thursday,...

April News!
Happy spring to all of our Elm Lawn families! We hope the weather will soon follow all of the bright and sunny events occurring in the...
February News
The winter weather in Wisconsin has surely kept things interesting for our Elm Lawn scholars the past few weeks, as we have had to...

January PTO Newsletter
Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a cheerful and restorative winter break. It's wonderful to be back and settled into our school...

December News!
Oh, what a wonderful year it has been so far. We had some wonderful fall events at Elm Lawn to kick off the new school year and looking...

SEPTEMBER 12- OCTOBER 2 Hello Elm Lawn Students, Families & Faculty, Below is the link to order and see pricing for this year’s school...

NEWS- August 25, 2022
Welcome back Eagles, almost!! We are thrilled to start the school year and enjoy a year of fun events! Pop Up Book Fair August 30, 12-6pm...

NEWS- June 1, 2022
Elm Lawn 4th graders are working to support the families and kids at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX. When they heard about what...

NEWS- May 13, 2022
Hot Dog Hustle: 5 Days to Go! Thank you to all who have been getting in those pledges for the Hot Dog Hustle! This is our biggest...

NEWS- May 3, 2022
Hot Dog Hustle: 15 Days to Go! Thank you to all who have been getting in those pledges for the Hot Dog Hustle! This is our biggest...

NEWS- April 19, 2022
Thank you International Day volunteers! It was a huge success and we'll be back in 2 years. The Science Fair is next year! Hot Dog Hustle...

NEWS- March 22, 2022
International Day Thursday, April 14, 8-1pm @Elm Lawn VOLUNTEER TO BE AN INTERNATIONAL DAY TOUR GUIDE! The students visit country and...

NEWS- March 4, 2022
Thank you's! A huge thank you to all families/businesses for their support! Staff lounge updates: Thank you to Claire Hotz for...

International Day is returning to Elm Lawn Elementary School on April 14, 2022!
After a long absence due to COVID, this event, traditionally held every two years, celebrates our Elm Lawn community’s diverse cultures...
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