Our Elm Lawn eagles have had a wonderful start to the school year this fall. The PTO hosted the first meeting of the year on Thursday, September 14th at 6:30pm in the LMC at the lawn. In attendance was a robust group of parents; our fearless leader, Principal Rust; and the school counselor, Taylor Klinzing. Principal Rush shared many highlights about the first few weeks of school. In particular, she noted that the changes to the lunch and recess schedule have been very positive, with our children showing up to class 'ready to learn' in the afternoon. She also shared that the staff have instituted a new PBIS initiative that involves reinforcing students with an 'Elm Lawn Fantastic Feather' when they demonstrate behaviors consistent with school rules and expectations. Taylor Klinzing provided a wonderful presentation to the PTO to share about her role as a school counselor at Elm Lawn and her role in the school-wide support for student wellbeing and social and emotional growth. We have several exciting fall events to help us celebrate the new year as well; so mark your calendars:
Homecoming Parade: This is an event hosted at MHS on 9/27 at 6pm
Fall Fest: This is an event hosted at Elm Lawn on the playground on10/4 from 5:30-7:30pm;
there will be food trucks and fall fun for all!
Café Zupas Fundraiser: skip dinner prep and take the entire family out on 10/10 anytime
between 4-9pm; a portion of the proceeds will go to the school!
October PTO Meeting: our next meeting is scheduled for 10/18 at 6:30pm and Dr.
Monogue will be there to share district-level updates and information
Also, the PTO is still looking for many volunteers this year, including:
Treasurer in Training
Staff Appreciation Chair
FunRaiser Coordinator
Spirit Wear Coordinator
Yearbook Committee Members
Event Volunteers for Hot Dog Hustle (in May) and International Day (in February)
Contact us through our website if you are interested in volunteering your time!
