Special Thanks!!!
Homecoming Parade: Thank you to everyone who joined in on the parade. It was an awesome community building event and loads of fun!
Sunflower Extravaganza: Thank you to Tatum Kepler and Nicole Westphal for teaching about and providing kids with seeds from the sunflowers in the gorgeous Elm Lawn Garden.We can't wait to see sunflowers popping up around the Elm Lawn neighborhoods next spring/summer!
Teachers & Staff: Everyone is extending to support students and sub shortages. Thank your teachers and staff anytime or during conferences with a note or kindness gesture.

Upcoming Events!
Spirit Wear: Items should be sorted and delivered by early November. Thanks for your patience due to supply chain issues.
In-person Book Fair: Thurs Nov 4, 7:40-7pm, Fri Nov 5, 7:40-3:30pm, Mon Nov 8, 7:40-3:30pm, Tues Nov 9, 7:40-7pm. This will be run during fall conferences and there are lots more details to come. Want to help? Sign up to volunteer here.
PTO Meeting: Monday, November 5 @6-7:30pm via zoom. Find the links to join on the website here. Notes from prior meetings can be found here too! Everyone is welcome!!
Square 1 Art: Students are busy working on their projects now and forms will come home in November for orders that will arrive by December.

Click here or on the volunteer tab on the Elm Lawn PTO homepage and let us know of your interest. Email elmlawnpto@gmail.com with any questions or suggestions!
Open Positions
Committee positions
Family Fun Night in March
Upcoming one-time volunteer events
Fall Book Fair
Square 1 Art

PTO funds support student events, classroom enrichment, field trips, staff appreciation and many more activities. Click here or click on the donate tab on the Elm Lawn PTO website.
Amazon Smiles
Consider this for all of your holiday shopping!
1) Visit smile.Amazon.com
2) Sign in with the same account you use for Amazon.com
3) Select your Charity as “Elm Lawn Parent Teacher Organization Inc” and donate while you shop!
Have a wonderful fall!!!