Welcome back Eagles! We're thrilled to start this school year and hopefully enjoy lots of school wide community events.
"It's Not A Fundraiser, Fundraiser"
PTO funds support student events, classroom enrichment, field trips, staff appreciation and many more activities. Click here or scroll to the donate section on the home page.
Amazon Smiles
1) Visit smile.Amazon.com
2) Sign in with same account you use for Amazon.com
3) Select your Charity as “Elm Lawn Parent Teacher Organization Inc” and donate while you shop!
PTO Meeting
Monday September 13, 6-7:30pm
Any and all caregivers are welcome to attend. Please stop by to let us know of your interest and to share ideas.
Online Fall Spirit Wear Sale
Wednesday Sept 8- Wednesday Sept 22
Click on the spirit wear sale on the homepage. Check out all the new items available for purchase! Orders will be submitted after the sale closes so no one will be missing items! Orders will be sent home with students in mid to late October.
Homecoming Parade
Wednesday, October 6 at 6pm
Walk in the parade and show your cardinal spirit! More details on the meeting place and route are on the way.
Click here or on the volunteer tab on the homepage and let us know of your interest. Email elmlawnpto@gmail.com with any questions or suggestions!
Open Positions
Board positions
Vice President
Committee Chairs
Any of the events below
One time volunteer events
Spirit Wear
Fall/Spring Book Fair
Square 1 Art
Donut Day
International Day
Hot Dog Hustle
Talent Show
School Garden
Have a wonderful school year!!!