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January PTO Newsletter

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a cheerful and restorative winter break. It's wonderful to be back and settled into our school routines once again. The PTO met last week on 1/19 at 6:30pm in-person in room 316 at Elm Lawn. A highlight of the evening was meeting Elm Lawn's new Dean of Students, Lauren Gasser. We are excited to welcome Lauren into this new role and excited for her to lead new building initiatives that will positively impact our young scholars. We also discussed several upcoming events that you won't want to miss. Each is reviewed below with relevant details to date.

Mark Your Calendars!

January 25th: We have a fundraiser at MACS (Macaroni and Cheese Shop) from 4-8pm. MACS is located at 349 S. Westfield Rd. We earn more cash back for each family that participates!

January 26th: We will host our first movie night at Elm Lawn from 6-8pm. We will show Sing 2 in the school gym. Feel free to bring a blanket to sit on though we won't have room to accommodate extra chairs for viewing. Light snacks and good cheer will be provided!

February 15th: Elm Lawn is hosting the second bi-annual Science Fair. Start planning projects, investigations, and experiments, as it is just around the corner. Registration for the science fair will come home this week with students and will also include information about project guidelines. We do need volunteers, however, to make this event a success. Support for set-up, awards, and clean-up is need. Here is a form to sign-up and volunteer your time Science Fair Volunteer Sign-Up.xlsx

Other Spring Events:

Talent Show: 4/14/23

Teacher Appreciation Week: 5/8 - 5/12

Hot Dog Hustle (our biggest fundraiser of the year!): 5/10/23 (also BOGO book fair this week!)

*We will be seeking volunteers for all of these events so please let us know if you are interested!

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