PTO meeting via zoom on Mon, Feb 21, 6-7:30pm
Meeting ID: 889 5748 1328 Passcode: 419317
Save the Date
Restaurant Night Fundraiser
Cafe Zupas on Tues, Mar 15, 4-9pm
8310 Greenway Blvd Middleton
Mention Elm Lawn for in person orders or enter FUNDRAISER25 for online/pickup.
Click here or on the volunteer tab on the Elm Lawn PTO homepage and let us know of your interest. Email with any questions or suggestions!
Open Positions
Committee positions
Hot Dog Hustle in May
Upcoming one-time volunteer events in April/May
Staff Appreciation
International Day
Book Fair
Hot Dog Hustle
PTO funds support student events, classroom enrichment, field trips, staff appreciation and many more activities. Click here or click on the donate tab on the Elm Lawn PTO website.
Amazon Smiles
Consider this while shopping!
1) Visit
2) Sign in with the same account you use for
3) Select your Charity as “Elm Lawn Parent Teacher Organization Inc” and donate while you shop!
Stay well!