Stay well Eagles!
Giving Our Teachers Grace...Coffee Event
Tuesday, January 19
In an effort to thank our teachers for their ongoing, extraordinary work at Elm Lawn, parents will be bringing bakery items and treats + juice and fresh hot coffee from Grace Coffee Co. to the entire Elm Lawn staff as a small token of support for all the energy they're giving our kids. Parents, we welcome you to donate to help support the PTO as we hope to do more surprises to thank our teachers like this each month. If you have ideas or would like to help, contact:
Donations can be made via PayPal here!
Upcoming Events and Thank yous
Donut day: Delayed due to COVID, but not forgotten for this year. Outdoor spring donuts?
Overture shows: Cancelled due to COVID, but possible in May for some grades. TBD.
Restaurant Fundraisers Nights: Thank you for your orders at Culver's and Chipotle. We raised a ton of funds considering current COVID restrictions and food order delays. Thanks for your patience!
Square 1 Art: We've raised a ton of funds that will go back to the art room for supplies and enrichment. Thank you again for your patience with these shipped orders. They are still on the way if you have not received yours yet.
Flocabulary: Due to your generous donations, we were able to support another license for this year! This program supports learning at multiple grade levels.
Hot Chocolate Day: Huge success and loads of funds for the kids. Thank you for your support of PTO so this day could be funded.
Donations: Thank you to all families who are sending in funds, items, and cards/notes/thoughts year round to support the school, staff, and our community. We couldn't do it without you!!
Click here or on the volunteer tab on the Elm Lawn PTO homepage and let us know of your interest. Email with any questions or suggestions!
Open Positions
Committee positions
Hot Dog Hustle in May
Upcoming one-time volunteer events in April/May
International Day
Hot Dog Hustle
PTO funds support student events, classroom enrichment, field trips, staff appreciation and many more activities. Click here or click on the donate tab on the Elm Lawn PTO website.
Amazon Smiles
Consider this while shopping!
1) Visit
2) Sign in with the same account you use for
3) Select your Charity as “Elm Lawn Parent Teacher Organization Inc” and donate while you shop!
Happy winter! Stay well!